We've taken to calling this little area outside the back door "The Bistro". It used to just be an empty and sad-looking stoop, a place we barely paused at on our way into the house. But, considering it is a part of the house, as small as it may be, we want to make good use of it!
First there was the addition of the barbeque grill. A cheapie charcoal version is what we opted for, and amazingly we had to put it together on our own! Quite a project. We're still working out the kinks though, as I'm accustomed to the flavor of a gas barbeque, and he prefers charcoal. We compromised and bought natural charcoal bricks which I thought imparted an excellent flavor, but he didn't like the burning quality. So we tried the regular commercial brand charcoal. He loved the burn, and I hated the flavor. We even nick-named the resulting chicken "lighter fluid chicken" because of the overwhelming chemical flavor the charcoal & lighter fluid gave the chicken. So, like I said, we're still working out the kinks, but it's always fun to experiment with cooking outside of the kitchen.
Next came my little garden gnome I had been lugging with me from apartment to apartment. He was a gift from my gran and while I haven't had a yard in ages, he's just too cute to part with and he adds charming to otherwise un-charming spaces.
I've got big ideas for the greenery in this little area, but I decided to start small with a huge coleus. I figured since I didn't have a lot of space I needed a big plant! And at 8.99, I felt like I got my money's worth. I transplanted it from a small hanging basket into a larger pot, and I think it's doing relatively well!
Last came the table and chairs. The table was recently exiled from the dining room when it was replaced with a larger version. While the table is itself a bit too large for the small stoop, I thought it better to re-purpose the table than go out and buy something new. The chairs were a bargain find at a rare Ikea sale for 9.99 each (you'll find more around the new dining room table!).
While it's not much, I feel like we added another living space to our small place, which is invaluable! The Bistro is a great spot for reading or chatting or waving at the neighbors. I'm sure it will evolve in the coming months as the weather cools off and the wheels in my head keep spinning. I can already see a few more containers out there with herbs & flowers, and maybe a few hanging baskets, I've always loved those cute tiki torches, and maybe another garden gnome or two...
to do #3: open a bistro.