I adore fireworks. They never fail to stir up a mixture of excitement, anticipation and wonder in me, and put a grin on my face. My eyes stay transfixed to the sky awaiting the next explosion of lights. Even the noise doesn't bother me. It never has, even when I was a kid. In fact, I kind of liked it, it was part of the fireworks experience. My favorites are the ones that give you a little more than you expect- the initial bloom of color and light, and then the surprise sparkle or burst afterwards. I especially adore the white glittery fireworks, the ones that shimmer and sparkle in the black sky and then disappear into wisps of white smoke. My least favorite are the glaring red and green fireworks, but even least favorites are still pretty great as far as fireworks go. And the grand finale, well it's bittersweet. It's the part I anticipate most for the non-stop spectacle of beauty. The 'works overlapping and layering on each other with each successive firework trying to surpass the one before. All stops are pulled. You can't look away. But you know that soon it will be over. A distant memory in a now smoky night. And then you have to wait until next year to have this feeling again.
And so, I've crossed off a yearly #91 and am already anxiously awaiting next years spectacle: see fireworks.
Hi Carrie, how are things today. I'm just unpacking. While unpacking I decided to take a break and check out the info you gave me yesterday at work. I enjoyed reading your blog and will make my own blog today to try it out. I'll send you the address when I get it all figured out.
Amazingly enough I have the same admiration for fireworks. I love them and have been known to drive great distances to see a great fireworks display. I have to admit that my favorite kind of firework is a rather boring one. I'm talking about the ones that shoot up, make a really bright flash and tremendous BOOM. Many say that's really borning, but if you look at it as far as ones senses go it's not. First off your eyes and shocked by the bright flash and then your ears get rocked by a massive concussion wave. I don't know.. I just like them a lot.
Well, i have to get. More cleaning to do. Just wanted to drop a line and let you know I checked your blog out.. I like it a lot. I'll let you know when I get mine up..
Drugs - you can have this feeling every day with drugs. Kidding, of course. Fireworks are a pain in the ass. You can look but you can't touch. But you can only look once or twice a year, and only in designated spots that are crowded, require a commute and - in the true spirit of independence - that slow meandering search for a parking spot. It's too bad the founding fathers didn't declare independence in October - then I might be willing to sit in the Arizona evening and watching blinking lights.
hey todd- glad you checked out my blog! i hope that your blogging venture went well today- i still think it's a great idea for your trip. at the least, you can try it out and if it doesn't suit your needs, all you spent was time.
though my heart lies with the big fireworks displays, i do have fond memories of the less spectacular ones too. when i was a kid my dad would travel to south carolina (where they were legal) and bring back a box of fireworks to be shot off in our backyard. i still recall that pungent smoky smell of the sparklers, which were my favorite. ah, memories....
and mr. anonymous, i know who you are and you're insane! crowds and commutes and parking aren't mainstays of the firework experience, though i'd have to agree that heat is. i'll let you lobby washington for october the 4th, but in the meantime my balcony is your balcony- it's the perfect vantage point, sans crowds and traffic.
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