05 January, 2009


So people are always telling me I need to blog again, I need to write again; they love my blog, they love my writing; it's so funny, it's so interesting; I'm so talented...okay, you get it. Of course when I say "people", I actually mean my family/friends/boyfriend, so clearly they are biased and likely just want to read the secret inter-workings of my mind and not my writing at all!

But they are right, and maybe that's why I resent hearing the comments. I *did* enjoy blogging. I *do* appreciate the creativity of writing and of having an outlet to express it. But it's also *so* much pressure when you have a blog! Or at least it is for me, being a perfectionist and all. I like to have a formula: relevant photo, interesting topic, long post, good writing. I like to repeat that formula each time, and I hate when I don't stick to it.

So, who knows if I am back. But I am at least writing this, and considering it....


swisslet said...


*hold breath*

*decides not to hold breath for long, but gasps again for effect*

Turners in the Country said...

LOL, good idea to not hold your breath for too long! Glad to see that you still lurk around here tho!!!

I just re-read the post and hope that the sarcasm of the first sentence comes through, I'm really not *THAT* self-centered!!!

swisslet said...

ah, all bloggers are self-centred to some extent.... except us, obviously. It's nice to have you back.

Anonymous said...

While I, an utter stranger and NOT a stalker, am interested in reading your blogs as well. :) Welcome back. I've been looking through my old blog-friends list, and it's good to see that the blogs aren't all dead.

I don't see the use of a long post - sometimes what you have to say lasts only so long before the words run out.