I sit at my iBook tonight typing to you with my head hung low. As I contemplated returning to the blog world I wondered if anyone would even read my blog anymore. It'd been ages; I figured all the site traffic I had gained was lost. Surely my friends and family had long since abandoned me, they don't even mention my blog anymore. There had been all manner of distractions and excuses to keep me from blogging: men, family visits, men, the holidays, men, vacations, ennui, oh and did I mention men? But with many of the distractions cleared out of my life I was thinking about giving it another go. I missed blogging- both writing mine and keeping up with others. So after two months I sheepishly checked my site traffic to see how bad it had gotten. What I saw both amazed and shamed me. There was a bit of a drop-off, but my stats have remained steady. For some reason you guys are sticking with me. Wow, what optimists you are! Or maybe you're reading through the archives, reminiscing on the good 'ole days when I actually updated several times a week. Even the search engines have been kind to me with lots of referrals. After that little boost of confidence, how could I not give blogging another go? In the wise words of Juelz Santana '...I can't let my peeps down...they need me out there...I can't let the streets down...I'm back!...'
As I thought about my return to the world of technology I knew there would be no better post topic than my latest technology obsession- my new pink (!!) Razr. Yes friends, I have arrived. I am now amongst the likes of Jessica Simpson, Paris Hilton, Lindsey Lohan and scores of techie girl geeks who are all sporting the pink razr. Kill me now. Actually please don't, if you did I wouldn't be able to use my favorite new phone anymore.
I hate to admit how much I love this phone. Or do I? I can't think of one person I've been in the company of lately that I haven't whipped out my phone in front of to show off all its cool features. I've spent hours, yes hours, on the phone, and not talking. First, learning all the features and setting it up, then reading the news and checking my email and IM while I sat on the couch no more than twenty feet from my computer where I could have easily done all those things. I updated my contacts list adding in multiple phone numbers and email addresses for everyone in my address book. And finally, I spent eons browsing ringtones. Now I'm not talking about monophonic or polyphonic ringtones, I'm talking about real song digital clip ringtones! How cool is this phone? I finally settled on my current song obsession, for now- Rodeo by Juvenile. I know, I know. But hey, it's my phone!
I never thought I'd be so enthused by a piece of technology, and a cell phone no less, but I am. What that says about me, I'm not sure. Perhaps that I've gained membership into trendy pop-culture by means of a cool new cell phone. Um, like, that's hot.
to do #19: get a pink razr
'bout time girl!! Looking at that turkey for so long was bad enough---but then the blurry band pic was getting on my nerves. Stick with it!
Actually, I have a RAZR too - although not in pink. My ringtone is the CTU ring from 24. Yes, I'm sad. What of it? There are a couple of guys near me at work, one has "American Idiot" as his ringtone, and one has "Sweet Child O'Mine". Who's the saddo now, eh?
Checking email and IM --- oh, I so better not get started with that. I spend enough time on that shit already.
nice to have you back.
Like we'd give up on you.
Yay, comments, I love you guys!!!
I've caught all sorts of hell for that turkey picture, but if you'd tasted the end product you wouldn't be complaining!
ST, I love that you have the Razr too, that's awesome. It's such a cool phone, I'm trying to sell all my friends on it too. And thanks, I'm not feeling quite so lame about my ringtone choice anymore. Hahah.
And word to the wise, don't get started on email, you won't be able to stop. I checked my email tonight at the gym while riding the bike. Wow, what a loser I am.
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