21 March, 2006

Happy Birthday To Me

Yours truly just celebrated a certain milestone birthday over the weekend. Due to the thoughtfulness of my many family and friends, it was a great day! Thanks so much for all of your calls and well-wishes. Since a lady would never directly reveal her age, I thought I'd give you a fun little math problem to work out if you're so inclined...

((2x6+3)(9/3)(7-12)) +255 = ???

Did you figure it out?! If not, you can always short-cut it and check my blogger profile. Hahah.

to do #319: celebrate my birthday


swisslet said...

happy birthday you! I had a brilliant day when I hit that milestone a couple of years ago.... best birthday I've had in a long, long time. The idea of getting the blues never crossed my mind, and I hope it was (and is) the same for you.

happy birthday!!


*blows party blower thing*


Flash said...

Happy Birthday to you!

I also had a bloody great 30th which involved the best party ever.

I did, however, spend all of my 29th year losing the plot about turning 30.