21 March, 2006

Happy Birthday To Me

Yours truly just celebrated a certain milestone birthday over the weekend. Due to the thoughtfulness of my many family and friends, it was a great day! Thanks so much for all of your calls and well-wishes. Since a lady would never directly reveal her age, I thought I'd give you a fun little math problem to work out if you're so inclined...

((2x6+3)(9/3)(7-12)) +255 = ???

Did you figure it out?! If not, you can always short-cut it and check my blogger profile. Hahah.

to do #319: celebrate my birthday

03 March, 2006

These Boots Were Made For, ah you know...

It's funny how sometimes happiness can come in the most random or simple form. For me, this week, happiness is a new pair of cowboy boots.

I should verify with my parents, but I vaguely remember having a pair of cowboy boots as a little girl. I wouldn't bet money on it, but I think they were of the knee-high light brown leather variety. But, I may just have that image in my head because a great majority of the pictures of kids who grew up in the late 70's and early 80's, like me, feature them wearing brown leather cowboy boots. Ah, I digress...

That I stumbled on these boots seemed like fate, or at least it's how I justified the purchase. I had been thinking lately I would like to own a pair of cowboy boots. Not because I'm a western gal, or because I'm in an upcoming rodeo or anything, I just thought they were cute & fashionable. Around the same time I also read an article in a fashion magazine about how cowboy boots were making a fashion comeback. The article was complete with pictures of various celebs sporting their boots. I'm sure we all remember how much I cared about the celebs I shared my pink Razr with, so when I saw celebs were wearing cowboy boots, that sealed the deal for me- I needed them.

A few days later I was in TJ Maxx looking for some shower gel when I decided to quickly browse the shoe section before leaving. Y'see, I'm a gal on a budget and I'm trying really hard NOT to spend money- I should be saving every penny for my impending move across country. But, sometimes shoes talk louder than my budget. I was in luck when I perused my size and nothing caught my eye. Then, I thought, I better check clearance, just in case! And there they were- my gorgeous new Guess brown leather cowboy boots. I tried them on, and they fit like a glove, and for the price I didn't even have to debate whether or not to buy them. I am proud to tell you that this gal on a budget found these particular boots for a whopping $14!!!! That's right! They retail at over $200, so I got them at what, a zillion percent off the retail price?! Though it was a minor blip in my budget, I'd say they were worth it, wouldn't you?

to do #284: own a pair of cowboy boots