23 August, 2007

Happy Feet

Okay, I understand the above "photoe" (hehehe) might be somewhat creepy, but I just had to share how happy my feet are tonight. I "kicked" (ha! okay, I'll stop) off my first of four vacation days with a much needed mani/pedi. These used to be a staple in my life, but the past year my manus and pedes (look it up!) have been sorely neglected.

I decided to try out the place across the street. Not because I'd heard good things about it, or had even peeked through the store window, but simply because it is really close and I was feeling really lazy-- a total stroke of luck on my part! It was a typical nail shop on the inside: a bank of pedicure stations on one side, rows of nail tables on the other and a cadre of cute, skinny Korean women buzzing around. But, these cute, skinny Korean women were all wearing adorable white lab coats! It was such a sweet touch. They stocked a great line of polish, used brand new sealed tools, took forever massaging my feet & legs, softened my cuticles in a plastic baggy with a ton of goop inside a heating pad, used a nice warm towel to wash all the goop off my hands & arms and all for THIRTY DOLLARS! Wow. There is no money better spent, and it was honestly one of the best mani/pedi's I've had.

So I know this was a total fluff piece, but dang I just can't stop staring at my hands & feet tonight!

to do #6: find my new favorite nail spot

p.s.: if any of you are in the Atlanta area, the spot is Hammond Nails & Spa

08 August, 2007


I've only got a second, but I wanted to show you guys what I've been up to lately! As many of you know I've been working on getting my chocolate business off the ground, and it's going well. I've got a photographer coming this weekend to take photos for my website, so I've been busy making samples all week. I'll be sure to share the photos with you once I have them!

to do #5: make chocolate samples

01 August, 2007


I've already got a link to Apartment Therapy along the side to the left, but I am going to plug them again because they featured yours truly on the site today. Okay, maybe "featured" is a too grand, but they did mention me and my now-lovely dining room. Enjoy! And bookmark them, they really are a great site. :)

to do #4: shamelessly plug AT and my dining room.