Nope, this isn't a post about the Yeah Yeah Yeah's song by the same name, it's a post about my cool new map! Though I suppose the lyrics could be relevant:
Wait, they don't love you like I love you
Wait, they don't love you like I love you
Does everyone love gigantic maps? No. Do I? Yes! Okay, that was a bit of a stretch, but every time I look at the title 'Maps', I think of the song. Anyhow...
I decided to disregard my previous advice and visit my new favorite Goodwill store a few weeks after my last visit. As was expected, my friend and I had cleaned out their stash of cool stuff in our last visit and they had yet to replenish it. I was breezing through the aisles when I noticed an art section against the back wall that I hadn't seen in my previous visit. Closer inspection revealed countless pieces of bad art destined for their resting place on the Goodwill shelves from their very conception. I was about to leave the aisle as quickly as I'd entered when two large rolls of paper caught my eye. Could it be? No, no way could these be old school maps. Or, could they?? Indeed, they were! I was giddy. I could barely contain my excitement.
I began to unroll the first and revealed a gorgeous wash of faded turquoise and aged cream. I was in heaven. I unrolled the entire map and found just one small tear, no big deal. I had even higher hopes for the second, but found instead a garish mix of map pinks and yellows and pale greens. Yuck. And there was a sizable tear along the bottom dowel. Though I didn't know when I'd run across another find like this, I decided to pass on the second map. The aesthetic just wasn't right for me. But the first, I wasn't going to let that baby out of my sight! I carried it around the store as I made my final inspection, receiving lots of odd glances and nearly decapitating several people, and then I headed to the check out. I dare you all to guess what I paid for the map. Go ahead, guess. Did you guess $3.99? If you did, you're correct!!! Can you believe it?!? I couldn't even use my cheapskate 20% off coupon because I hadn't spent the requisite $10.
I hurried home, plotting the whole way on where I might hang this gigantic find. I finally settled on the most logical wall in my apartment, and after taking some measurements and making some calculations, I hung it here. I think you'll all agree it looks pretty damn cool. And if you don't, then I suppose you are the one they were singing about. You really don't love maps like I do, do you? With another successful Goodwill trip and a gigantic map of L.A. and Orange County, I'll cross #74 off my list: start a map collection.
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