For most people, Goodwill is a place to drop off castaway clothing, unwanted housewares and dilapidated furniture, and pick up a nice little tax write-off on the way out. But for a few people like me, and a good friend of mine, Goodwill is a treasure haven waiting to be explored. We relish picking through the relics and the junk in hopes of finding something perfect for us and something that henceforth we can not live without.
Recently, in a conversation with my fellow Goodwill treasure-hunting pal, she recounted some of her latest Goodwill finds, among them a set of Johnson Bros ironstone dishes. As she talked my mind began to wander to our favorite Goodwill in the posh area of town, and I tried to recall how long it had been since my last visit. Then she revealed her latest score wasn't from our favorite Goodwill, but from her new favorite Goodwill, a store they had opened on our side of town a few months ago! I knew about the new store, but had paid it little mind since I assumed it couldn't stack up to my tried and true favorite. But my friend insisted it was better: cleaner, larger, and best of all- within minutes from both of our homes. With our blood now pulsing for bargains, we quickly agreed to drop the coffee date we had been planning and meet up at the local Goodwill instead. In thirty minutes. We aren't gals to waste time when there are bargains to be had.
She was right. The new store was cleaner, and much larger, and it proved to be home to some new-found treasures for the both of us. After nearly two hours of rummaging, her finds included (another) set of brick red French country dishes (shhh, don't tell her husband), an adorable little single serve coffee pot, a small CorningWare casserole dish and a gorgeous glass fruit bowl. As for me, I've taken the time to photograph each of my finds for you, and am willing to reveal the prices I paid, all in the hopes of convincing you to start some Goodwill treasure-hunting of your own!
I started out with small and large glass Pyrex mixing bowls, the small was $2.99 and the large $3.99. Next was a lovely white quiche /tart dish for $2.99. I found a large cream serving platter for $2.99. A whimsical set of eight turquoise drinking glasses for $7.99. A large white soup tureen for $5.99. And my most prized find, a stainless steel hot & cold server, complete with little embossed penguins all around the dish, for $3.99. I have no idea how often I'll use this little gem, but I fell in love with it as soon as I saw it. The total for my purchases was a whopping $23.62. If you're doing the math at home, you've realized the numbers don't add up-okay math whizzes, I will now share with you a secret so shameful that if mentioned to me on the street I will vehemently and unequivocally deny it: I used a 20% off coupon. Yes, that's right, a coupon at Goodwill. How low can you go, you ask? Hey, we're all on a budget, especially yours truly! I'm not sure if you've ever noticed, but on the bottom of your donation slip is a 20% coupon. How wonderful and tacky is that?!
Now, if I've intrigued you, I should also warn you that there is a bit of science involved in Goodwill treasure-hunting, so these guidelines should be kept in mind: One, the quality of the goods is directly proportional to the area in which the store is located. I hate to be the one to say it, but in the wealthier parts of town the treasures are far more plentiful than in the less wealthy parts (aka where I live). So, you may have to travel a bit, but it will be well worth it. And two, don't visit too frequently. If you check in regularly, you might luck out and find something great on the day it was put on the shelf, but more often than not, you're just going to come across the same old junk you've already picked through. I like to wait a few months between trips in order for the stock to completely turn over. This could just be a personal quirk though, so feel free to visit as often as you like if that's your thing. And one last thing, don't forget your 20% off coupon! Don large sunglasses and a cap if you must, that extra 20% is what makes this a real bargain! With that, I cross of a tri-annual #282: shop for bargains at my new favorite Goodwill.
Hey, C!
That 20% off sounds great. However, this discount you're talking about appears to be a regional thing - or at least not occurring in the South Florida area. None of my donation receipts provide for any sort of coupon. That's fucking gratitude for you. Anyway, that won't stop me from shopping at the second hand boutiques in my neighborhood. I love them. I just wish I was more patient to wait out a good deal when it comes around. I love you, C. Talk soon.
My parents had an ice bucket exactly like yours with the penguins.
Hey T! Sorry to dash your hopes on the 20% off coupons, I just assumed they were nationwide. Maybe I'll send you one of mine and you can try passing it off to an unsuspecting clerk. Ha! Patience is key when it comes to places like Goodwill, you gotta cultivate that! Love you too, T, I'll talk to ya soon...
Jmb, you're the second person to mention a penguin ice bucket. Apparently my grandma has one too that she received as a wedding gift! Mine is inscribed on the underside as a 'hot & cold server', but maybe everyone just used them as ice buckets? I had no idea it was so old, makes me love it even more!
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