21 June, 2005

Fan Mail

Fan Mail, originally uploaded by carriemcm.

Fan Mail. Not something I've ever written and hardly something I've been encouraging others to write. But this is different. Sure there are similarities; your fan mail could be going to a handsome young guy (or lovely lady), and they may not mind if you profess your love for them, or at very least your admiration. But where this differs from the typical fan mail experience is that these letters are going out to active duty US troops. A pretty interesting concept, huh? Probably not something I'd have been motivated to do on my own, but it didn't take much to convince me (men in uniform, you need say little more!).

My Gran, along with a group of her friends, each wrote a 'fan letter' and then turned them over to an organization, who in turn distributed them to active duty soldiers. A few weeks ago a letter arrived from three sailors who'd received her letter. You can't imagine her excitement, and it was a bit contagious. Reading their letter made this endeavor real for her. These sailors are practically kids. They're out on a huge ship, in the middle of an ocean, far away from their family and friends, and they're doing it for us (and the college money of course, but let's not get off track). No matter your feelings for our current president and his foreign policy, your heart has to go out to these troops. They are fellow Americans who are far from home and could use a little company (and a care package wouldn't hurt!) to remind them of home.

And so, with the names and stories of three mighty sailors in mind (Mark, Nick & Daquan!!), I crossed #264 off my list: write fan mail.

I can't attest to these organizations, but here are a couple doing the work I described above:
A Million Thanks
Letters From Home

As well, you can send mail to the U.S.S. Jarrett which is the ship that recieved my gran's letter at:
U.S.S Jarrett (FFG-33)
Div. OC (Troop Fan Mail)
FPO, AP 96669

One last word of advice, if you are sending a package you'll need to fill out a detailed Customs Declaration form, which you can pick up at the post office.

Happy fan mail writing!!

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