Today a friend of mine asked me a few really thought provoking music questions. Not the tired (though interesting), what are your top 10 favorite songs, or what are your five favorite albums from the 90's, or what are your favorite summer songs, etc. Nah, these required a little more thought. I enjoyed them so much I thought I'd share them here, along with my answers.
1. Who would you bring back to life?
2. Who would you save from creative oblivion?
3. Who would you preserve for all eternity (alive & making music)?
4. What song do you wish you had written?
5. If you had a cover band dedicated to just one bands music, which band would it be?
My answers:
1. Though it feels like the obvious and cliched answer, I'd bring back John Lennon. He's the dead musician I've thought most often about. I wonder what sort of music he would have made, or if he would have made music at all. I wonder what influence he would have on present music & musicians, whether he would have started a record label and sussed out some cool bands. And of course, the most burning question, I wonder how long it would have taken him to drop Yoko.
2. This question is still stumping me! I can't think of anyone I really care about that has sunk into creative oblivion. Bjork? She's in creative oblivion alright, but I never really liked her. Cat Stevens (aka Yusuf Islam), that guy is definitely in oblivion, but creative? Probably not. Don't have an answer on this one yet...
3. I'd want to preserve Jeff Tweedy (Wilco, Uncle Tupelo) for all eternity. In my humble opinion, this guy is an absolute genius and responsible for some of the most beautiful compositions.
4. Two songs come to mind. I'm allowing myself both since I can, and since I thought of them for different reasons. The first is Sandusky by Uncle Tupelo. It's strictly instrumental, and really a masterpiece. I wish I had even a fraction of the musical ability it took to compose this song. It blows me away everytime I hear it. The second is A Day in the Life by The Beatles. Not sure why, it's just the first song that came to my mind, and one of my all time favorites. Woke up. Got outta bed. Dragged a comb across my head. You've got to love it!
5. The cover band question is tough. The first band that came to mind is Oasis. They are far and away the band whose entire catalog of music I'm most familiar with. They're the band whose music I can hear a few bars of, and then sing the entire song to. But, the band who I think would be the most fun to cover (though I have to state for the record that I don't think two albums makes you worthy of having a cover band) is Kings of Leon. I love the dirty, gritty, Southern rock style of their music, and think it would be immensely enjoyable to try and duplicate it. Not that I have any musical talent, but I can always dream...
If you have any more cool questions, or want to share your own answers, feel free, I'd be interested to hear them. For now I'm excited to cross #318 crossed off: pick my future cover band.
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