Tonight I decided to switch my internet browser from Safari to Firefox. I'd been wanting to try out Firefox for a while but, as you recall, I had been staying away from downloading anything while I was in my hard-drive-space-crunch. Now that I've got all the space in the world, I've been fixing up my little iBook G4 like crazy. Okay, maybe not like crazy, but I have done a few things.
I was perfectly happy with Safari and think that it's a great browser. My motivation for switching to Firefox is mostly for you people-- you see, Blogger is more fully supported on Firefox than it is on Safari. Which, leads us to this post: it's really just a test post to see how much my functionality has improved, and improved it has! I can now use bold and italics at will, I can do bold italics if I choose. I can create links with the touch of a button. I can even change the color of my text. Oh yes, the days of trying to remember html code in order to do these things are long behind me. I am a happy girl. Now if only I could get my bookmarks to import, I'd really be a happy girl...
Okay, apologies for this boring and pointless post, like I said, I just wanted to try things out. More to come soon, but I'm still crossing off #275: switch to Firefox.
I like safari too, but until the blogger WYSIWTG editor is fully supported in there, firefox it is. I applaud your decision!
And I find Firefox inconvient for coding - IE is better. But I guess - given a choice and told that I could take just one, only one browser, I would take Mozilla.
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