25 June, 2005


Groceries, originally uploaded by carriemcm.

Remember the aversion I had with going to the post office recently? Until tonight I had one going with the grocery store too, but worse, far worse. I hadn't been to the grocery in nearly three weeks. With each passing day the refrigerator and pantry grew more bare, and my food options grew more bleak. There were lots of cherry chocolate chip bread (yes, I still have some!) breakfasts, cereal or cheese quesadilla lunches, and hamburger helper dinners. I ran out of fruit and vegetables, and still, I wouldn't budge.

I set lots of dates with the grocery: we'll do lunch tomorrow, how about Thursday after dinner, I could squeeze you in after drinks tonight. But I broke them all, and without much regret, until it came time to make the 5th quesadilla of the week. I even contemplated the idea of shopping online. I was told a certain local grocery chain offered free delivery on your first order. Sign me up, I said! But online grocery shopping, at least at this particular store, was a pain in the neck. And so I broke that date as well. But tonight on the drive home from work, enough was enough. I couldn't bear the thought of one more pasta dinner, and so I braved the after work grocery crowd, the sweltering grocery carrying heat, the three flights of stairs with grocery bags looped on both arms from wrist to shoulder, and I went grocery shopping. Now, I figure I'm good for another three weeks.

And so, with a fridge and pantry stocked to the rafters, I cross off my tri-weekly #201: go to the damn grocery store already!

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