18 June, 2005


Writing, originally uploaded by carriemcm.

With only five posts to my name, I am suddenly feeling the pressures of blogging. Have I run out of fodder so soon? This is an almost laughable thought, yet it feels very real. I'm going to blame it, in part, on being a Pisces. I have the tendency to begin a project with a full steam ahead attitude, only to find myself running out of steam, and interest, pretty quickly (I think some people also call this adult ADD!). Nevertheless, there are plenty of constants in my life, and no reason my blog can't be one of them.

Last year, for the first time in my life, I kept a journal on an almost daily basis. Many days, especially near the beginning, writing was a chore, but there were many other days where writing was a catharsis. And almost every day writing gave me a sense of accomplishment: that I had followed through on something I'd set out to do, no matter how tired I was (my preferred journal writing time was right before bed). Looking back, I'm pretty certain that keeping it helped me to work through a difficult time in a pretty healthy way. And so, I know the possibilities for reward in keeping my daily blog date.

I'm also feeling the pressures of keeping to my format. It started with the title of my blog which I hardly gave any thought to. Then a few days later with my first blog entry. And before I knew it, the angle on which I had been wondering what my blog would take had grown organically right before my eyes. However, I'm now finding myself thinking throughout the day, what am I going to blog about today? What can I accomplish, take a picture of, and blog about in an interesting way today? Whoa, talk about over-thinking something that began with the very idea of not over-thinking. The only remedy I can think of is to chill the fuck out!

Keeping up with my blog is important for a number of reasons, the most practical of which being, it gives me a ready answer to the question I dread receiving the most- 'What have you been up to lately?'. So with a sixth post now to my credit I cross off a daily #221: write.

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